Recon Bag Orange
Recon Bag Orange

Inspired by pleated pockets and the idea of military reconnaissance, the Recon Bag features a stylized inverted box pleat, which is stitched down the centre, allowing it to function as two separate pockets. Other details include an adjustable strap with a silver buckle accommodating both shoulder and crossbody options. Fully lined with interior patch pockets and a flap secured with two metal snaps and a zipper closure.

Made up in a sturdy cotton canvas, the Recon Bag is spacious, allowing the wearer to carry everything needed in their daily explorations.

The Recon Bag can be ordered with or without the detachable side pouch.

Material: Japanese Cotton Canvas, 100% Cotton 

Care: Dry clean only

Made in Canada

With Side Pouch
Without Side Rouch
With Side Pouch
Without Side Rouch
Recon Bag Orange
Recon Bag Orange

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With Side Pouch
Without Side Rouch
With Side Pouch
Without Side Rouch