Leather Dumpling Bag Chestnut
Leather Dumpling Bag Chestnut

This signature leather Dumpling Bag is made up in full-grain cow hide that is soft and durable. The leather has a naturally tumbled texture and is dyed-through with a semi-aniline oil, characterized by a uniform light grain over its surface, creating a subtle sheen and smooth finish.

Inspired by the shape of a dumpling, the bag is padded with batting for a stuffed appearance. Adjustable straps with silver buckle accommodating both shoulder and crossbody options. Fully lined with interior patch pockets and metal YKK zipper closure.

A perfect everyday bag - functional, versatile, and made to last and age beautifully over time.

Size: Small

Material: Cowhide, 100% Leather

Care: Professional Leather Clean Only

Made in Portugal

Leather Dumpling Bag Chestnut
Leather Dumpling Bag Chestnut

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